If you want to watch the video you can turn the music off by scrolling all the way down to the bottom of this page and hit the pause button on my ipod...
Last year on the fourth of July I had just gotten out of the hospital from complications from the gastric bypass and was on a strict liquid diet. I cried and cried and cried some more because I was so hungry and the food smelled sooo good and I could not even touch it. Then someone said to me, "just wait, next year you will be sitting here wearing that sundress you always dreamed of and you will eat like the rest of us, only much thinner..." I have held on to that statement and have done exactly what was said. I posted the pics of the dress as well as a video of my favorite firework ever (I go back and get the same one every year).
Today was an amazing day and I do not regret the surgery, my life, or last fourth of July. I would do it again to have the life I have to day.
The funny thing about today was that when I went to shoot off fireworks my mom said, "you should probably change your clothes because you do not want to get small burns on your dress and you can run away from the fire faster..." So I went in to the house and put on my fourteen year old sisters clothes and came back out and continued creating explosions.
Who would have known I could wear HER clothes?!?!?
1 comment:
FABULOUS!! I think I spelled it right!! LOL If not please correct me oh, spelling wonder. LOL BIG HUGS. Jenn
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