Just Making Pancakes

Just Making Pancakes

Sunday, September 12, 2010

I met my sister for the first time and my husband reset the game...

I was at my grandmother's house this evening when all of the sudden my dad's daughter (Desiree) showed up to pick up her dress that my grandma had altered for her. We have never had time to talk to each other because her mom hates me and I have not had much to do with my dad so us getting to know each other never ever happened.. oddly enough we have a bit in common and I got to actually see how gorgeous of a person she is and how much of our lives we did NOT get to share. What an amazing woman and I am glad to get to call her MY sister!!

My husband called me up and asked me out on a date, so we went bowling.. Well, I am not so good at this game because of a thumb injury a few years back and have a hard time controlling the ball. Q:Why did I marry Steven? A: Because he knows me better than I know myself. He talked to the guy behind the desk and asked him to put up the bumpers and find me a lighter ball, while I was already mucking up the game by bowling with an 11 lb ball and no bumpers.. so this guy comes down and fixes the game so I have a fighting chance and then Steve said something to that guy and all of the sudden the game was reset and I had a fresh start, even though we had made wagers on what prize the winner gets, and if i won the prize was not in his favor...
Q: Who won the game? do you dare ask?
A: Me of course!!


Anonymous said...

I think you have a keeper of a husband there! :-)

Ian & Amy - Together In Tanzania said...

I loved reading this post! and i love you cousin!!