I was trying to think of a New Years resolution and have decided that it is going to be to get into the bible more. When I lost my babies I stopped hearing from God and I have not felt his presence in a long time. I used to have an unshakable faith and now it is just barely hanging on. I live correctly but I have lost the relationship. In order for me to be able to have a child, or accept the fact that it is just going to be the two of us, I need to get this back. So I dusted of my daily devotionals book, "Keeping God in the Small Stuff" and started today.
Today it says, "There is no question that God is in the big events, but He delights in working in the details."
I am not one of those people that gets on a high horse and goes all religious on people, and I am certainly not trying to do that now. However, I figured I would share what is on my heart and my goals for the New Year.
And for those of you who are following our fertility journey, I thought it would be fun to advise you that I ovulated on New Years Eve... what a way to start out the New Year!!
"Do not despise these small beginnings, for the LORD rejoices to the see the work begin...."
- Zecharaiah 4:10
Glad to see that you are on the up and up darling! You are turning to the only place you can get help. His word is VERY powerful, and when it gets inside of you, YOU become powerful! Not that his presence and voice will return right away, but baby steps will get you there!! "I will never leave you nor forsake you" I know when I honestly re-surrendered things back to God, because I loved him, not because I wanted/needed something, my life really started to change. And even then I didn't get pregnant right away, but I started to find joy in simple things through him! Love Ya girl! Hopefully ya'll were able to take advantage of the winter weather to get some good BD'ing in! :) Best of Luck my hun, and here's to 2011 being a better brighter year, reguardless of what does, or doesn't happen!
Sometimes we have to start all over and try to move forward. The Bible is a good place to start but have you read "A purpose driven life"? It is 40 day journey that focuses on you and your relationship with Jesus. I recommend it. I have not gotten all the way through it but it is worth checking into. You have to be devoted to it and put your heart and soul into letting go and letting God lead your way. What ever you decided please know that I am with you in heart and wish only the best for you. You are a great person and only deserve the best.
Love, Jenn
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