I go through my daily life and every activity I partake in I always feel like I am practicing. I go to Zumba and am always trying to be as good as the instructor. I go to school and I am practicing to become a good interpreter. I babysit my friends children and I am practicing to become a mother. I come home and I am practicing to become a good wife. I eat vegetables and fruit and lean meats and I am practicing to become thin. I join a softball team and I can barely get the ball back to the pitcher let alone hit the ball with a bat. I am simply just practicing.
I know the old saying says, "practice makes perfect." This quote, however, to me is not motivational. Why, you ask? Because I feel like I am not good at anything. I feel like everything I do has to be improved. It feels like I am not good enough, thin enough, efficient enough, or even motherly enough.
If it were not for practice I would never get to feel accomplished when I do something correct or maybe I would feel accomplished but I would not celebrate nearly enough. You know the do-the- snoopy-dance-in-the-middle-of-class kind of feeling...
I just want to become an expert at one thing...something that people will say, "wow, your really good at that."
Perhaps I will have to practice how to take compliments, so when THAT day comes, I will be prepared.
You're really great at one thing, I know for sure. You're a wonderful friend. I love you with so much of my heart. You are a great listener. WOW, YOU'RE REALLY GOOD AT THAT!!!
You are perfect in so many ways. Where do i begin???? You are the strongest willed person I have ever met. So many people have or will give up where you continue to push through and become a better person. You are PERFECT at being a caring person that listens with your whole heart and gives great advise when needed. You are PERFECT at knowing the witty thing to say at just the right time. You are PERFECT in God's eyes. He loves you for you and has great plans for your life. I could go on and on but I am sure I will run out of typing room before I get done. You are a PERFECT BLESSING in my life. Love you Jenn
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