When you are young you dream about being a princess and wearing fancy dresses or being superman and flying off tall buildings, but those were not mine. The one thing I had ALWAYS fantasized about was my wedding cake. The reason for this is because my grandmother has always made the most beautiful cakes and I wanted one of the big pretty ones all for myself, not to eat but just as a celebration of something about me. To get to my point I want to talk about my grandmother and her declining health. Over the last year her vision has gotten to the point of needing a cornea transplant and her vision has dwindled to the point of not being able to decorate anymore. Grandma had accepted this job before the cornea transplant was a necessity and she REALLY wanted this to be her last cake shindig. What kind of granddaughter would I be to not make that happen for her?
I made the daisies a few weeks back and I completed the cake this last weekend. I am not going to lie it was very bittersweet because she needs to retire and I am going to miss going to her house and there being remanence of a wedding cake, that was about to blow a brides mind, spread all over the tables and counters.
These cakes are not only a major responsibility but when it came down to brass tax my grandmother could not decorate at ALL and I had to do it all by MYSELF. My blind coach (gramma) was quite a lovely companion but I was concerned I was going to ruin someone's big day by botching the cake. I would like to share with you a beautiful ending to a career that has shaped my life in more ways than one. A few splendid memories were when I spent the night at gramma's, as a kid, and I would come back home smelling like cake and the way the grandkids would compete for cake skins (the part of the cake that would rise in the oven and needed to be trimmed so that the cake would lay evenly). I remember so many days opening up the albums of wedding cakes she had made over the years and going through and picking what I would want on my wedding cake. The thing that remained the same over the years was my desire for a water fountain under the main cake.
My grandmother was an amazing cake decorator and what she has taught me through her cakes has nothing to do with cake itself but rather how important it is to be their for friends and family, give a gift even when it will take all the energy you can muster up, and to always make time to create memories with the people who are important before the opportunity is gone. Here are a few pics of the fantastic memories we created through the creation of the last cake. I also posted a pic of my wedding cake so you get a chance to see the fountain that had been dreamt about for years...
I believe in wedding cake...
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