Just Making Pancakes

Just Making Pancakes

Monday, December 12, 2011

21 weeks and 3 days....

Wow!! It has been crazy how time has flown by.  We saw Baby Pancake today and she never ceases to amaze us.  She is super healthy and very mischievous.  After 17 times of repositioning the doppler and 4 reapplications of gel, the little turkey held still for 2 minutes of heart tones and then she dove away from the doppler and the poor tech gave up. The tech said, "you guys are in for the long haul.." and in response we said, "we cannot wait!!"

I have had A LOT of trouble with my bladder and back and my husband has been dealing with everything so well. I told him the other day how sorry I was that he had to put up with this and he said in reply, "I did not marry your bladder I married you for you."

I feel so blessed to get to be with my husband and even more blessed that I get to carry our daughter.

Below is a picture of her wearing herself out to the point of a big yawn and then she continued on with her stunts to make the ultrasound tech run for her money... Not going to lie, I was snickering inside... he he he :)

Now if only school were out I could start joining in on the Christmas festivities...

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