This little lady has quite the personality! If the belly growing in front of me is not proof enough, her attitude surely shows that she is mine.. :)
I have been watched very closely by a high risk perinatologist and wiggle pants evidently wears a size XXS. She is not growing like the other babies and is falling behind quickly. If she does not make progress, they are threatening to deliver her early and this is scaring us a lot because we want her to have the best start she possibly can.
On a lighter note, we have been going to "working out for two classes" and "aqua zumba" and both are helping me keep up my energy levels and reduce quite a few of the other pregnancy symptoms people seem to suffer from.
We are preparing for the baby shower and are super super excited. I have suffered through many baby showers for friends and family members knowing that our kids were not alive and that our prospects for future children was bleak. I brought gifts, cried in the baby aisles at the store, cried internally and sometimes externally once arriving to the party. I will probably cry at our as well but not in sadness but rather tears of joy and disbelief that it is finally our turn for a little one.
We have been plugging away at the nursery and my friend Katie and I painted the letters for her room! However we will not be hanging them until she is born because we do not want any accidents of what her name is to leak into the public.
Funny how the letters "AKA" are in the name Pancake... Perhaps she will have to keep the name?
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