Just Making Pancakes

Just Making Pancakes

Thursday, October 13, 2011

A change in the trunk of my car...

I have never used the trunk of my car for things like groceries or big shopping sprees.  I always used the back seat for everything, including my school bag and daily things people drag with them.  Why you ask? Because my wheelchair took up all of the space.  I used it for school,  Lifelight, Wal-mart, grocery shopping, etc.. pretty much ANY place that required a bit of walking.  I needed it for my hip dysplaysia and because my hips could not carry all that excess weight.  When I lost 100lbs I ditched the wheelchair altogether, put it in my storage closet and presently we pile our camping gear on top of it.  I did use my trunk this summer for things like camping and of course my Zumba bag.  However, I will not have space in my trunk again. This time, however, it will be because we have traded the wheelchair for a stroller.  Something I have ALWAYS dreamed of doing and now it is a reality. 

I cannot believe I started out weighing 300lbs and sitting in a wheelchair and have gone to 126lbs walking with a stroller.

I do concur that the stroller will still leave a little free space in my trunk, perhaps enough room for my Zumba bag. :D

My entire life is different and, as hard as the journey was, I would not trade any of it for anything.

Friday, October 7, 2011

The flip side...

I went to my ultrasound and because of what we went through in the past we have agreed to NEVER talk about Pancake in the waiting room, hallways, or elevators.  You never know what someone else is going through so it is just best to keep quiet. I am glad that we had this wisdom because, as we were waiting for our turn to catch another glimpse of our jumpy little pancake, a lady came out of the ultrasound room balling.  My mom just looked at me and I looked at Steve and we all just knew that her WHOLE world was upside down.  We thought her baby had died, but we were wrong.  Her baby's intestines and bladder are on the outside of it's body and inside out.  It is called the OEIS complex.  I follow a blog of a couple that have a little boy with this condition and it is rough.  The ladies husband was as white as a sheet.  My heart just sunk into my stomach because here we are with our healthy baby and there they are with bad news.  I wished there was a way I could have comforted her but the only thing I could do was compliment her on her fingernails and strike up pointless conversation. 

I am so grateful that our baby is healthy and that God has given us the wisdom to be quiet when someone else is in pain.  The only thing talking about Pancake would have done was slammed the dagger into her heart further.  I have been praying for her and her family and I do not even know them.

So this is what it feels like to be on the flip side?!? 

By the way Pancake is now 12 weeks along... it is weird to be passed the scary part and know that our baby is doing well.