Just Making Pancakes

Just Making Pancakes

Sunday, July 18, 2010

"It's okay, I've got my shoes..."

The five most important things to me that stem from the family reunion..

He blessed me with a family who accepts me and supports me just as I am while creating a new one in my home.

A family reunion that altered my life.

I taught my father how to drink out of a Camelback water bottle while riding on the boat and enjoying the scenery. I also learned of a new goal that I would like to achieve within the next ten years: adopting a child with a disability.

A chance to spend time with my brother whom I have NEVER gotten to spend time with alone. He sure is a good kid!! Laughing so hard until my stomach muscles ached and making memories with people that mean the world to me.

A little girl who has changed my mind and forever captured my heart.
I spent alot of time with Hailley and have discovered my new calling. I am going to adopt a child with a disability after I graduate college. She has arthrogryposis and it causes ALL of her joints to freeze. She is sooooo smart and she reminds me of myself. I was talking to her about her sneakers and how adorable they were. She asked me if we could go play this game with pieces that you put on a game board and I replied, " that game is all the way in the other cabin and that is a long way to walk" and she said to me, "It's okay, I've got my shoes.." I have never had someone snag my heart in such a small amount of time. I love her with my whole heart and I would love to offer another child the love I feel for her..

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful decision you have made to adopt a child with a disability. I'll say prayers for you about that!