Just Making Pancakes

Just Making Pancakes

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Awww how time flies...

My break for school seems like it will be over before I know it... :_(  I thought this much needed break would reduce the stress in our life enough for me to become pregnant...   Yeah, not so much.

I am not going to do fertility drugs anymore because I have decided to let my body go through menopause if that is what it wants sooooo badly.  I went to the gastric bypass support group and found out the dietitian had three miscarriages and the last one caused her to have to have her fallopian tubes removed.  She is now 45 and has no children.  She explained her experiences and how she STILL longs to know what it would be like to be pregnant.. Her life is fulfilling and she has things that she has gotten involved in and enjoyed over the years that she would have never have been able to do if she had kids..

I started a hip hop dance class... kind of interesting.  Zumba, however, is still my love.  Speaking of Zumba I ordered new zumba pants, they are white and blue... I cannot wait until they get here!!


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